Jesus says in our Gospel lesson for this coming Sunday from John 8:31-36, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then, you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Truth seems to be one of those things that we all are seeking and demanding these days. We think we are entitled to it and we think we can handle it. Yet, I doubt if many of us have any clue what the truth is.
We demand truth from our politicians, yet no one can seem to agree what truth is anymore. Many of us long for truth in religion too. Did Jonah really get swallowed up by the whale? Did Jesus really walk on water? Does God really hear my prayers? We want the truth. But, notice how Jesus does NOT say, “If you have the facts and have my teachings memorized, then you will know the truth.” No, Jesus says, “If you hold on to my teachings, then you will know the truth.” A better translation would be – “Abide by my teachings…then you will know the truth.”
To abide with something means to live with it and to dwell with it. To hang around it is to spend time in it. When you dwell with someone, you begin to know things about them. Jesus doesn’t seem to be talking about a type of truth that is immediate and factual, something you can google or look up on Wikipedia. But, a truth that is deeper! It is not something you can read in a book or hear on the TV; it is something you feel in your gut. We might say it’s that kind of truth that will set you free.
On the surface, it seems we say we want truth but, what I think we really long for is for someone to speak to the deeper truth. And, so, Jesus says that later in our text. He says, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” I realize the word “sin” is not a popular term these days. We too often forget to acknowledge sin in our daily lives. St. Paul speaks about this in the book of Romans” “We have all have fallen short of the glory of God.” To make the point, let’s use the word “brokenness.” Jesus said, “Everyone who is broken is a slave to brokenness.”
When Jesus says we are “broken,” he is saying to us, “I know who you are” and until you begin to acknowledge the truth about yourself and name your sin in confession, you may miss knowing that God loves us beyond measure.” And, to be clear, God’s love is “that truth” that will set you free.
So, what is Christ inviting you and me to do today? First, accept Christ’s invitation to repent and acknowledge your brokenness. You will begin to have an awareness for your need of God in your life. Secondly, invite Jesus into your heart and into your life. Life will be different. You will finally know the truth about yourself and you will be set free to experience all peace, joy and happiness God has to offer you.
As you begin to experience your new “born again” experience in Christ today, consider accepting this invitation to attend Grace Lutheran Church this Season of Pentecost!” Be part of this congregation that is filled with prayer, fun, laugher, and love for Jesus! Experience the presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament. All come at Jesus’ invitation – the young and old, the assured and the doubting, the wise and the foolish, and the in-between. All are welcome here! Come to the Feast!
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we “celebrate God’s love together,”
Blessings and Peace,
The Reverend David O. Guss, Ph.D. - Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church