Do not be alarmed. That’s the first thing I have to say about today’s gospel (Mark 13:1-8). This is a gospel about hope. It’s a gospel about opportunities and possibilities. It’s a gospel about finding meaning and new life. It’s a gospel about your future and my future. And who among us doesn’t sometimes wonder, worry, or even become alarmed about our future holds?
I’ve come to realize that when I become alarmed about the future, I’m not really focused on the unknown and a time yet to come. I’m really more focused on the known and the present time. I want to know if the temples I’ve built will withstand the test of time. Will the center hold? Will my relationships endure? Will my acquisitions and accomplishments continue to give identity, meaning, and security to my life? Will the systems I’ve created for my life, well-being, and happiness remain intact? Are the foundations of my life stable and strong enough to last?
In other words, I’m focused on the large stones and large buildings of my life. So, when we hear Jesus talk about the temple and say, “Not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down,” I get a bit twitchy. Maybe you do too. Jesus says the very things that I am most focused on are coming down. I can’t help but wonder if I’ve missed the point and have been distracted from what really matters, from new life that is waiting and wanting to be birthed thru me by God himself.
Take a look at your life today. What would it be like to stop distracting you? What if we “bellied up” to the elephant next to us and said, “We need to talk and work out a few things between us and God?” What are the large stones and large buildings of yours and my life that wea re willing to throw down or throw out? I wonder what it would ask of us, what it would offer us, and what might be born? Would we be willing to trust the Divine Midwife and just push a little? Push with faith, push with hope, push with love, push with anticipation of something new.
What would it take for us to begin having those conversations with God today through prayer and meditation so that we can stop being distracted by the large stones in this life and see the life God has yet to give us today and for eternity?
As we begin having these conversations with God, consider accepting this invitation to attend Grace Lutheran Church this Season of Pentecost!” Be part of this congregation that is filled with prayer, fun, laughter, and love for Jesus! Experience the presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament. All come at Jesus’ invitation – the young and old, the assured and the doubting, the wise and the foolish, and the in-between. All are welcome here! Come to the Feast!
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we “celebrate God’s love together,”
Blessings and Peace,
The Reverend David O. Guss, Ph.D. - Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church