“Show Mercy”
February 20, 2025
Dear Families of Grace Members, Neighbors & Early Learning Center Families,
LOVE. It is a word that has become lost in overuse. It’s hard to talk in a meaningful way about love because the word has been emptied of so much meaning. We love those shoes, we love our spouse, we love our friends – it’s a catch-all word that refers to a whole lot of things at once – our preferences, our tastes, physical objects that bring pleasure, alongside the deepest and most intimate relationships we can ever have. When I find this word on my lips, I often feel the word LOVE is inadequate.
Jesus, the best preacher that ever walked the earth, knows this and when he talks about love he speaks about love in the form of a verb. It is something we do, it is a way of life, a way of being. In this weekend’s Gospel (Luke 6:27-38), Jesus gives us concrete examples of what love looks like in its purest form. He gives us a clear guide on how to love the way God loves the world.
The reality is that it is very difficult to get through life without enemies; in fact, I would say it’s impossible. Enemies and potential enemies are “a-plenty.” Regardless, Jesus asks us to love them? WHY? He gives us a couple of reasons.
FIRST, this is how God loves us. He says, “He is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked” and he implores us to “be merciful just as his Father in heaven is merciful.”
SECONDLY, Jesus asks us to love our enemies because in doing so we are a visible sign of the Gospel in the world. Jesus calls his followers to stand out – to be radically different. Loving Christians are the greatest witness to the love and grace of God in the world.
So where do we begin by loving our enemies. Well, here are some practical “how to do it” hints in learning to love our enemies: 1) Err on the side of mercy, 2) Be quick to forgive. 3) Don’t seek revenge, break the cycle of retaliation. 4) Let’s do the loving and leave the judging to God. 5) Pray for your enemies.
Loving our enemies may be one of the trickiest teachings of Jesus, but the promise isn’t that following Jesus will be easy but rather in doing so we will find healing for the brokenness in our own life. Call upon the Holy Spirit. He will help you know the meaning of love and help you have love for all of his creation today and always.
As you continue to be led by God’s Spirit to love “everyone,“ come home” this Epiphany season and be part of this congregation that is filled with prayer, fun, laughter, and our love for Jesus! Experience the presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament. All come at Jesus’ invitation – young and old, the assured and the doubting, the wise and the foolish, and the in-between. All are welcome here! Come to the Feast!Blessings and peace,
Grace Lutheran Church
254 Curtiss Parkway
The Reverend David O. Guss, Ph.D.
Miami Springs FL 33166
Pastor – Grace Lutheran Church